Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Macbeth Analysis Essay Example for Free
Macbeth Analysis Essay I was just walking with Banquo on a cold and windy day to Forres when we come across three witches. They were very old and they all had long curly beards. One of them had a long crooked old finger and she kept on pointing it at me. The witches started talking to me. They all said hail Macbeth hail to thee. Banquo started talking to them and then the witches all said the same word Hail at the same time. I was getting really interested, so I said carry on talking. I wanted to know what they were trying to tell me. I was telling them to speak but they did not and they just vanished away. They told me that I was going to be king. I was sitting in my room and in comes my wife. I said to my wife that I did not want to kill Duncan anymore. Lady Macbeth started telling me that I was a coward, and then she started rushing into the plans about killing Duncan, but I wasnt even sure I wanted to kill him anymore because Duncan was giving me complements lately. She thought I was drunk earlier because I had been so eager to murder Duncan, and now she thought I was afraid of murdering him. The truth is I was scared. She was telling me all the plans I decided to do it then and what she told me to do is show my grief about the king being dead and act innocent . Lady Macbeth told me that when the bell strikes that is when I murder Duncan. when the bell rang I went to the courtyard to murder Duncan. My wife had already drugged the bodyguards and placed daggers on them to make it look like they have done it. Now it was going to be easy for me to do the murder. I had done the murder, then went back to the party and everything was like had not done anything.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
William Blakes The Chimney Sweeper Essay -- William Blake Chimney Sw
William Blake’s The Chimney Sweeper           William Blake’s â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†was mainly about the possibilities of both hope and faith. Although the poem’s connotation is that of a very dark and depressed nature, the religious imagery Blake uses indicates that the sweeps will have a brighter future in eternity.      In lines 4 – 8 when Blake writes, â€Å"There’s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curled like a lamb’s back, was shaved: so I said ‘Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head’s bare You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.’ These lines symbolize faith in the biblical sense. Young Tom’s is like that of the sacrificial lamb of God and when the narrator tells Tom to stop crying because he knows that the soot can not longer spoil his white hair he, is saying to Tom, once he makes this sacrifice nothing else can hurt him. Blake is saying that if the children make the sacrifice of living out their lives here on Earth, no matter how dark and dismal their lives may seem at the time, they will be rewarded in heaven as long as they know the glory of God and trust in him.      It is in lines 10 – 24 that the poem becomes one of hope. For when Blake writes â€Å"As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight! That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack, Were all of them locked up in coffins of black. And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins and set them all free;†Blake’s words ring true of hope for the sw... William Blake's The Chimney Sweeper Essay -- William Blake Chimney Sw William Blake’s The Chimney Sweeper           William Blake’s â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†was mainly about the possibilities of both hope and faith. Although the poem’s connotation is that of a very dark and depressed nature, the religious imagery Blake uses indicates that the sweeps will have a brighter future in eternity.      In lines 4 – 8 when Blake writes, â€Å"There’s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curled like a lamb’s back, was shaved: so I said ‘Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head’s bare You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.’ These lines symbolize faith in the biblical sense. Young Tom’s is like that of the sacrificial lamb of God and when the narrator tells Tom to stop crying because he knows that the soot can not longer spoil his white hair he, is saying to Tom, once he makes this sacrifice nothing else can hurt him. Blake is saying that if the children make the sacrifice of living out their lives here on Earth, no matter how dark and dismal their lives may seem at the time, they will be rewarded in heaven as long as they know the glory of God and trust in him.      It is in lines 10 – 24 that the poem becomes one of hope. For when Blake writes â€Å"As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight! That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack, Were all of them locked up in coffins of black. And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he opened the coffins and set them all free;†Blake’s words ring true of hope for the sw...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Exploratory Research Assignment Essay
Canadian’s first choice for an alcoholic beverage? Beer. Not only is beer a refreshing beverage on a hot, sunny day, it plays a big part in the Canadian heritage. The overall beer consumption over the years has been steady, however with increased competition, it is becoming harder for Canadian breweries to keep up with market trends. Hence, all the major Canadian breweries have been merged with or acquired by the international giants. The competition is rising not only between beer brands, but also within beverage types. Wine consumption in Canada has been increasing substantially. Consumers are always looking for something new and exciting, but at the same time, something they can relate to. â€Å"A key point for success is to bring differentiation while still retaining a recognizable and familiar aspect†(t). Another obstacle the brewing industry is facing is the wrong perception consumers have about beer and its effect on weight and overall health. â€Å"Beer belly†, for example is just a myth. It is vital for companies to educate consumers about the true nutritional value of beer to avoid wrong perceptions and lose consumers to other beverages that seem more calories cautious. Research Objective This report outlines current trends as well as opportunities and threats to the Canadian Brewing Industry. The results were interpreted based on the research conducted on the three major brewing companies: Heineken N. V. , Sleeman Brewery Ltd. , and Molson Coors Brewing Co. We identified and compared these breweries in terms of the background, consumer’s opinions and strategic issues the companies are currently facing. Finally, the recommendations provided outline the possibilities for improvement and growth of the industry if the appropriate changes are undertaken. Research Method This research was conducted based on North American population through trend analysis. The articles were chosen based on relevancy and the date of publication, 2008 and above. The main areas of research were: history of the company, social media impact, strategic issues and opportunities. The focus was on the most recent news and events that affected the company as well as the entire industry. Company Information Heineken N. V. was founded in 1873 in Netherlands and has become the world’s most international brewer (Heineken, 2013). It operates in Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East, The Americas, and Asia Pacific. The company is keen on contributing to a sustainable future. Their strategy is based on the four focus areas: conserving water, decreasing CO2 emissions, responsible agriculture, and responsible consumption. Heineken also believes that innovation is key to future success. The Heineken Ignite beer bottle is their new invention. It is replete with LEDs and motion sensors, â€Å"which let it light up with various effects when drinkers knock bottles to say cheers with someone or take a sip†. The LEDs could also be synchronized with music and activated by light sources. (d) Founded in Guelph, Ontario in 1834, Sleeman Breweries Ltd. became a leading brewer and distributor of premium beer in Canada. (b) Their success came from â€Å"turn-of-the-century†beer recipes and the passion that continues to drive the company to this day. Sleeman’s trademark is their unique clear bottle. In the recent lawsuit against Dead Frog Brewery that uses a similar clear bottle design, John Sleeman, CEO, said: â€Å"Sleeman will always vigorously defend its trademarks, especially where my family’s heritage is concerned. (c) Sleeman Breweries Ltd. was bought out by Sapporo in 2006, however the Japanese firm kept the Sleeman name and business intact because of the intrinsic value that it holds. (e) Molson Inc. is the oldest brewery in North America, established in 1786(a). In 1978, the company bought into sports and entertainment industry, purchasing â€Å"a share in the M ontreal Canadiens and the Montreal Forum, as well as hosting Molson Hockey Night in Canada†(a). Their advertising campaign has always been based on the â€Å"beer-sports†connection, trying to establish that beer and hockey are two defining elements of the Canadian identity. (f) After merging with Coors, Molson Coors Brewing Co. became 5th largest brewer in the world. Below is a comparison table of the three above-mentioned companies, in terms of 2012 sales, place of origin, current position in the market, types of beer offered in Canada, sports associations, and company slogans. Heineken is the most known international beer brand, â€Å"when in doubt, order a Heineken†. But the recent feedback from the consumers shows that Heineken is over-rated. It’s characteristic skunky taste is the result of the green bottles it’s served in. The UV rays break down the hop compounds, which is why the beer tastes different when served from the bottle compared to tap. Heineken however is not ready to let go of their notorious green bottles since that would make it harder to identify the beer, which in turn will hurt the company’s bottom line. Sleeman is known for its flavorful body and clean taste (no skunkiness). Some find it too sweet, others enjoy it. The benefit that Sleeman has over its competitors is that is offers different types of craft beer that other breweries don’t. From fruity India Pale Ale to chocolaty Fine Porter, Sleeman wants to create a long lasting relationship with those, who have an appreciation for beer. However, Sleeman is not as active in the Social Media world as Heineken and Molson are with their catchy commercials and Facebook pages. Molson Canadian was voted #2 in AskMen, men’s online magazine. Be it a hockey game, a backyard bbq or a camping trip, Molson Canadian is what the young generation automatically reaches for, due to Molson’s heavy advertising that incorporates those themes. â€Å"Camping essentials. Lots of firewood and Molson Canadian†- was posted on Twitter along with a picture of a truck loaded with firewood and cases of Molson Canadian. Key trends, opportunities and threats Although beer continues to dominate the market of alcoholic beverages, (c)†beer consumption is declining in the U. S. and Europe, the source of two-thirds of Heineken’s profits, because of tougher drunk-driving laws and a growing appreciation for wine†. The fact is that beer is not seen as a â€Å"fancy drink†that you indulge in, it is time to change that. Companies must start educating consumers about the differences between various types of beer, beer and food pairings, in order to create a better appreciation for the beverage. Another obstacle the brewing industry has to overcome is the â€Å"beer belly†myth. Consumers are becoming more health cautious and many believe that beer is detrimental to weight loss and health in general. The fact is, beer is fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in carbohydrates. Beer is made from hops, barley and wheat, so the beverage contains many nutrients such are: vitamins A, C B6, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, iron, and calcium. Beer also contains antioxidants and is high in fiber. Those who choose lighter beers in hopes of reducing their caloric intake, are also missing out on all the nutrients the beer holds. Drinking beer in moderation also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures and osteoporosis, kidney stones, digestive ailments, gallstones, and physical ailments affecting the elderly. Beer can be part of a balanced diet and a healthy, active lifestyle. The key is moderation. (brewers association One of the big trends for summer 2013 is light and flavored beer with the hope to appeal more to women, and Molson Canadian is on top of it. Their new line of beer, Molson Wheat, is made with all-natural ingredients; â€Å"the unfiltered wheat lager delivers a hint of malt, balanced by the fruity character of just-ripened bananas†. Molson is also going to introduce Molson Canadian Cider made from 100% Canadian apples and champagne yeast. On the other spectrum, craft beer is also the category that will experience growth, thus Sleeman should undergo a positive turnaround in the near future. The current debate over wider retail distribution of alcoholic beverages is becoming more evident, and more changes and pilot programs are being tested to potentially expand product availability beyond liquor stores. â€Å"In 2013, the province of Ontario – the largest alcoholic drinks market in Canada will become LCBO or Liquor Control Board of Ontario Express stores-within-stores at 10 grocery supermarkets. The Manitoba Liquor Control Commission has also been testing the Liquor Mart Express store within a Canada Safeway supermarket in Winnipeg as of 2012†(Euromonitor International, 2013). Wider retail distribution will definitely create more opportunities for product marketing and retailer distribution, potentially giving more opportunities for smaller local wineries, breweries and distilleries to bring their products to the market (Euromonitor International, 2013) Study Implications and Recommendations There are four main concepts derived from this research: * Perception of beer * Health implications * Competition * Innovation In order to stay competitive, the above 4 concepts must be exercised interchangeably. The brewing industry has a lot of room for improvement and growth. The improvement must begin from changing the consumers’ perspective about beer in order to create a lasting relationship. An ongoing education about beer and beer consumption is also something that can change consumers’ perceptions and preferences. In order to stay competitive, one must â€Å"bring differentiation while still retaining a recognizable and familiar aspect†(t). Social Media is a powerful tool that must be utilized in order to reach consumers as well as to learn about consumer behavior and generate feedback. Study Limitations and Directions for Future Research I found the most credible sources were the company’s websites, Business and Company Resoucre Centre and Global Market Information Database (GMID). The least credible was Wikipedia (was not included in this research paper) since some of the information was not accurate and up do date. Canadian Business and Current Affairs, I found to be the least up to date and least helpful. There is much more research that could be conducted in regards to this topic- alcohol regulation, exporting tariffs, cross marketing strategies, etc. The above research should be used as a foundation for the in depth analysis of the brewing industry of Canada.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ocd ) - 1267 Words
Brian is a 26 year old Caucasian male who has previously diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with mixed anxiety and depressed mood and Obsessive-Control Disorder (OCD). Brian, ultimately, also suffers from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). After ruling out the other mood disorders we agreeably came to the conclusion of MDD. Brian suffers from MDD which is resulting to have significant impairment in his life. Persistent Depressive Disorder is a milder form of major depressive disorder that’s called dysthymia. Dysthymia is mild and nagging and lasts for years. Complaints of depression are usually intertwined with their personality structure, and that can come off as whining and complaining. Even though it is not as severe as major depressive disorder, depressed mood and low self-esteem can affect the persons social and occupational functioning. In Brian’s case, it is reported that he does have depressed moods, and low self-esteem but it is more severe the n dysthymia. Brian does not meet any of the criteria’s for this disorder. Firstly, he is not a female. Secondly, he does not experience a menstrual cycle. He experiences feelings of sadness, depressed mood, and feelings of hopelessness but it is not due to the fact that he menses. So this disorder is easily ruled out due to the facts that Brian is not a female, and does not have a menstrual cycle and experience those symptoms due because of the cycle. Bipolar Disorder is described as extreme moodsShow MoreRelatedMental Illness / Disorders ( Ocd ) And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1612 Words  | 7 PagesMENTAL ILLNESS/DISORDERS A mental illness or disorder is a medical condition that can alter a person’s emotions, thoughts, mood, and actions, sometimes causing the person difficulty relating to others and daily functioning. (â€Å"Mental Health Conditions.†) It is a condition that keeps the person from coping with their everyday lives if it is not addressed and properly treated. 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