Saturday, December 28, 2019
Pros And Cons Of Us Education - 1755 Words
Pros and Cons of US Education: As International Student Education is derived from Latin word â€Å"educatio†which means the sense of bringing up (Kay, 1883). The process of getting knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits to enable learning is called education. It includes methods such as discussions, teaching, training, research, etc. It usually occurs in the presence of any educator or between learners also. The education can be of either formal or informal form in which learner is affected on the way he feels, reacts, thinks or acts. The method of teaching is called pedagogy. Many international students come to study in the United States, and they must consider what is taught, the pedagogy and the cost to determine the effectiveness of their education. There are both positive and negative aspects of this education system. American education system focuses on practical based learning that allows students to interact in external environment (Hmelo-Silver, C. E., 2004). The curriculum is made in such a way that students enjoy their program and in the meantime, they are also getting knowledge and skills. There is variation in subjects taught in US. The subject is of any field like science, arts, business, humanities, technical, etc. But the priority s given for things learnt not recited. The answers are not to be narrated rather simple but creative answer is given more importance. Similarly, all subjects are taught in such a way that, learners can adopt ideas and canShow MoreRelatedTechnology: Its Effect on Education Essay1087 Words  | 5 PagesEducation is â€Å"The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life†(Education). Technology comes in many forms including the Internet. It can be used in many different ways, one being educational purposes. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Classfication Mixed State Hypomania - 937 Words
INTRODUCTION CLASSIFICATION MIXED STATE HYPOMANIA ASSOCIATED DISORDER DEPRESSIVE PHASE INCIDENCE: DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT STRATEGIES IN MANIA DISEASE:44Lithium44Divalproex3Antipsychotic agents3Valproic acid3Carmazepine3Verapamil3RISK FACTOR AND ADVERSE MANAGEMENT_Toc3851970594CONCLUSION:44INTRODUCTIONDEFINITION: Bipolar disorder is associated with behavioural disturbances. It is characterized by mania and depression. CLASSIFICATIONMIXED STATES:In this condition, individual has co-occuring manic and depressive symptoms. Dysphoric mania is manic condition or agitated depression is primarily depressed. Mania and depression are two independent conditions in a bipolar disorder list . In this state the patient is more likely to behave in a dangerous manner which included self- injury(patient might hurt itself) or suicide. HYPOMANIA Hypomania is a state maily called lowered state of mania.In which there is less need for sleep. OR Hypomanic phase is a less degree of mania with elevated mood and increased activity and energy but without hallucination. ASSOCIATED DISORDERS:Hypomania may be indicative ofà ¿bipolar II disorderà ¿.Several types of mania such asà ¿kleptomaniaà ¿and pyromaniaà ¿are related closely toà ¿obsessive-compulsive disorderà ¿than to bipolar disorder, depends on the severity this disorder. For example B12à ¿deficiency can also leads to characteristics ( some symptoms of) mania and psychosis. Hyperthyroidism is a condition which can produce similar symptoms
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Electronics Product Evaluation Essay Research Paper In free essay sample
Electronicss Product Evaluation Essay, Research Paper In my GCSE Major undertaking for DT electronic merchandises, I wasn # 8217 ; Ts pleased with my circuit, as nevertheless many times I tested it, it wouldn # 8217 ; t work. However, I think the remainder of my undertaking went good. The first thing I did was design my circuit by computing machine. I based it on one published in Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine, although I made some changes to it to accommodate my specifications. This was so etched in Cu onto my printed circuit board. Following to be added were the constituents. After traveling down to Maplins to purchase what I needed, I drilled holes in my PCB and soldered them in. This was one country where I had jobs because sometimes every bit shortly as the solder dried I noticed it hadn # 8218 ; t lodge onto the PCB and I had to make it once more. Acerate leaf to state it took me a drawn-out period of clip to solder every constituent. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronics Product Evaluation Essay Research Paper In or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The casing wasn # 8218 ; t as tricky for me to do. Two of the boxes I made were for two separate squads in a saloon quiz and both contained of merely a big push-button. The chief box was designed for the referee of the game to supervise who answered the inquiries foremost, and consisted of the chief circuit, an on/off switch and a reset switch. To do the chief box I took five pieces of acrylic and sawed them to the right size. Mr Heather glued them together. Following lesson when the gum was set, I took another piece of acrylic and dead set it with a strip warmer to do a palpebra. Besides I had to pass a lesson sanding the corners down. Something that went incorrect during the devising of my box happened when I was boring holes for the switches. While I was boring, the plastic snapped in half and flew off the clinch. I prevented this from go oning the 2nd clip by boring slower. The two push-button instances were made out of MDF, which I glued, sanded and painted black to fit the ot her box. Making the shell was one thing in my project that went well, and I think they looked professional and attractive. It was durable and light as I had put on my specification. While I was making my product, I made some adjustments to my original idea. The first change from what I had intended was the push-button I used. The one I used was small compared to the ones I described on the research page; this was because there weren‚t any bigger ones in stock at any local component shops. I changed my box design to accommodate them and drilled the right size holes, so the push-buttons turned out fine. The second adjustment came when I had planned to use signal lamps to show when each contestant pressed their button, but the wires broke on them, so I had to use some LED‚s. These were the best thing in the stock cupboard I could find to fit my casing. This was because I didn‚t have time to buy any more components; the circuit was to be handed in the next day. If I did it again, I would improve the quiz boxe s by getting more quality components as one of the reasons why my circuit didn‚t work could have been my components weren‚t the right values or were broken. I would also redesign my circuit board – it could have been made smaller, and also I did the space for the thyristors wrong and one part of my track was unused. Another improvement would be to use less wiring on my components. Some of the wires were too long, and they always got tangled up. If my quiz boxes were to be produced industrially, I would have cut down the wiring, as useless wiring would be a waste of materials. Making a prototype for an electronic product was tough and very time consuming. I had to stay behind after school a few times to finish the soldering and testing. Although I didn‚t get my idea to work like I had planned, I did learn a lot about circuit design and I gained experience in making and designing electronic products.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Real Meaning of the Crucible free essay sample
The Real Meaning of The Crucible In The Crucible, Arthur Miller comments on the absurdity of historical events or organizations such as the HUAC, McCarthyism, and the Red Scare by the accusations and reactions of the characters in the book. The HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Activities) was a committee started in 1934 to keep an eye on behavior that they thought to be subversive. The committee was created to keep and eye on all types of subversive behavior, but had a tendency to focus on people they thought were socialists or communists. The members of this committee had an abundance of power. They could accuse someone of subversive behavior or actions and could ask for a testimony. If the accused refused the testimony they would be blacklisted(Simkin). In The Crucible, Miller portrays Thomas Danforth and John Hathorne, judges in The Crucible, as the HUAC of the book. The townspeople of Salem are continuously accusing other people in the town of practicing witchcraft. We will write a custom essay sample on The Real Meaning of the Crucible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then the accused people are forced to testify. If the accused person admits to practicing witchcraft then they are not killed. If the accused person denies that he or she is a witch, they are killed(Miller). Miller is symbolizing the judges in the book to the HUAC. He is commenting on the irony of the HUAC and the judges in the Salem Witch Trials. Miller is showing that that the bias behavior of the HUAC to communists or socialists and the ironic punishment of the accused townspeople from the Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible are alike. McCarthyism is a practice named after a United States Senator named Joseph McCarthy who also was a member of the HUAC. McCarthyism is used when a person is accused of subversion or any other action that would harm the country or government without any proof. The act of McCarthyism refers mostly to the accusations of many innocent people being a communist or socialist. In The Crucible, several townspeople are tried for being witches and practicing witchcraft with no proof or evidence that they are doing so(â€Å"McCarthyism†). In the book, characters like John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Giles Corey, and Sarah Good are innocent people whose lives have been turned upside down by these absurd accusations. John Proctor is asked to plea guilty even though he is not. In The Crucible, John Proctor says, â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! †The judges and the townspeople have no evidence that these accused have been practicing witchcraft(Miller). Miller shows how absurd McCarthyism is by showing how innocent people in The Crucible are accused of being witches with no evidence. The Red Scare was a time period from 1917- 1920 in which people in the United States were afraid of communism. The people in the United States thought that communists would disrupt the countrys capitalist government. The government was doing all they could to get the citizens to fear the thought of communism. Even in the newspapers, writers were encouraging xenophobia to get the people in America to be against communism(Red Scare†). In The Crucible, Abigail Williams pretends to see spirits and claims that many of the innocent people are witches. In the book, Abigail says, â€Å"A woman comes to my bed every night now and tears out my eyes. I believe she be Reverend John Hales wife sir. †Abigail Williams also has a group of girls who accompany her at trial. They always go along with what she is pretending to see and makes all of the other townspeople terrified of witchcraft and the people accused of doing it(Miller). Miller portrays the Red Scare as foolish and a lie. He shows that Abigail and her friends pretending are the same as the writers in the newspapers or other people in the government during the Red Scare. In conclusion, Miller comments on the absurdity of historical events or organizations such as HUAC, McCarthyism, and the Red Scare through the accusations and reactions of the characters in The Crucible. Works Cited Simkin, John. â€Å"Un-American Activities Committee. †Spartacus Educational. 12 April 2010. . Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin, 1987. Simkin, John. â€Å"McCarthyism. †Spartacus Eductional. 12 April 2010. . Simkin, John. â€Å"Red Scare. †Spartacus Educational. 12 April 2010. .
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